Team Stripping Roof
Our team is stripping the roof down to the wood foundation. After this is complete, they will check the base for any rotten wood and replace it.
Wood Rot on Roof's Bare Wood Foundation
This rotten spot on the roof will be carefully removed and replaced by the team.
Rotten Wood Removed and Replaced
Our team members will remove and replace any rotten wood before installing products.
IKO GoldShield Installed Along Eave
Our team is installing IKo GoldShield along the most critical areas of the roof in order to protect them. GoldShield is self-adhering for watertight sealing and ease of installation.
RoofGuard and GoldShield Protect Roof's Wooden Foundation
The RoofGuard underlayment is designed to be completely water-resistant. The IKO GoldShield is placed along critical roof areas and provides excellent protection.
Shingles Installed Over Liners
Once the liners have been secured, the team begins installing the new IKO Dynasty shingles overtop.
Team Installing Products
Our team is hard at work finalizing this roof and ensuring quality workmanship.
Low Pitch Area Secured with GoldShield
GoldShield is designed to protect the most vulnerable roof areas from leaking - including low pitch areas like these.
Roof System Installation Complete
The new IKO Dynasty roof in "emerald green" has been fully installed. This roof is durable, professionally installed, and comes with a 50-year warranty.