Hail Damage Sustained to Roof
These white circles indicate where hail damage has occurred on the roof's surface.

Discolored Shingle
Discoloration is a sign of damage and age. This shingle is a notably different color from the other shingles, which is a sign that the roof is becoming old or water damaged.

Rusted Open Roof Valley
This home had an "open" roof valley that was not covered by shingles. This does not provide as much protection as a closed roof valley and has resulted in rust.

Compromised Area Around Chimney
This compromised gap around the chimney is providing a pathway for water and snow to leak through the roof and damage the home.

Roof Being Stripped Away
The old roof system is being stripped away to make space for the installation of Klaus products.

Bare Wood of Roof
This roof has been stripped to the wooden base.

Seams Taped to Prevent Water Infiltration
Our team carefully tapes the seams between the wood on the roof. This helps to prevent water infiltration.

Roof Valley Protected with GoldShield
GoldShield is designed to provide extra protection where the roof needs it the most. We install this over the roof's valleys, dormers, rake edges, ridges, and more.

IKO GoldShield and RoofGuard Installed
These underlayments protect the wood underneath from water damage.

Completed IKO Dynasty Roof
The roofing system has been fully installed. We also replaced the ridge vents, reinforced the roof hip, and installed new flashing around the chimney. This system comes with a 50-Year warranty.